Article on COMPUTERS : A BOON OR A BANE? UP Board Solution of English NCERT Syllabus Essay and Article Writing

Article on COMPUTERS : A BOON OR A BANE? UP Board Solution of English NCERT Syllabus Essay and Article Writing

Article on COMPUTERS : A BOON OR A BANE? UP Board Solution of English NCERT Syllabus Essay and Article Writing

Computers have become a rage with children and play a major role in today’s age. However, one must understand its function as a major distraction. Write an article highlighting the role of computers while also pointing out the hazards their excessive use can cause. You are Aditya/Aditi.


– By Kusum Kumari

Some people say that the computer is one of the greatest inventions of humankind. However, other people think that computers make their life more stressful. There is no denying that computers have become an integral part of human life. Almost every profession is benefits from computers. .

Children, have been reaping benefits from the constant use of computers. It helps them in their homework, projects, assignments, etc. It not only provides information on a variety of subjects but also links corners of the world.

On the other hand, excessive use of computers has its own set of disadvantages. Too much use of computers can cause deterioration of vision. Spending more time on computers, harms physical health, which might result in being overweight and in problems of the spine.

The major problem which is affecting children nowadays is their addiction to computers, the result of which is their distraction from studies.

If the time spent on the computer is regulated then it can surely be used to make our work easier. Thus, if used in the right way computers will only change life for the better.

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