UP Board Exam Tips For Class 12 English By upmsp.edu.in Board Exam 2023 : कक्षा 12 बोर्ड द्वारा दिए गए इन टिप्स से सभी छात्र होंगे आसानी से पास
कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी विषय हेतु यूपी बोर्ड ने अपने टिप्स शेयर किए हैं। 16 फरवरी से प्रारंभ होने वाली यूपी बोर्ड की परीक्षा के लिए बोर्ड की ओर से समय-समय पर निर्देश जारी किए जा रहे हैं । इसी के साथ बोर्ड ने तमाम विषयों के एग्जाम टिप्स जारी किए हैं । जिससे कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी के लिए बच्चों को सफलता मिलेगी।
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Class XII English – Some Useful Tips for Preparation of Board Examination
⚫ Do check the latest syllabus and model paper on the official website of the UP
Board i.c. www.upmsp.edu.in
⚫ Make a time table to revise the whole syllabus thoroughly.
⚫ Solving the model paper in the given time limit will be useful. Note down your doubts and difficulties and consult your teachers to resolve them timely.
⚫ Also check the quality content available on DIKSHA portal and E-Gyan Ganga Youtube channel. It would be quite beneficial. As for different sections of the question paper the following precautions and preparations will be useful-
Read the given unseen passage in the question paper twice, carefully. After first reading, read the questions and then read the passage again.
Keep underlining key words phrases so that you can locate the answers in the passage quickly. Write answers in your own words and expressions. Do not copy the words of the passage.
Do practise proper format of the letters.
Reading articles and editorials, letters to the editor published in newspapers will help you learn appropriate terms and expressions. Videos on DIKSHA portal and E-Gyan Ganga Youtube channel will be very useful. Do Use only relevant quotations or proverbs. Writing too long answers with irrelevant stuff gives a very poor, impression, so never do that. Follow the prescribed word limit.
In MCQs write the correct answer(option) in the answer sheet. Don’t write only the option number. > Practise ‘translation’ by translating short Hindi passages daily. You can consult your teacher for the new or difficult words. Keep noting in your note book the new terms words and expressions that you come across while translating. Do revise them before exam.
You can get practice passages from newspapers or books available around you
For practising narration prepare a chart of rules and put it in your room at a convenient place so that you can revise them easily.
For synthesis take 5 sets of 2 sentences daily and combine them in simple, complex and compound sentences.
For grammar practise as many examples as are possible.
Names and spelling of Lessons, writers and characters must be learnt correctly. Keep noting the key points of the lessons. They will help you remember the whole lesson. In the examination also you can highlight the key points by writing them
in a box.
Do learn the central theme of the poems. Read each and every line of the prescribed poems very carefully and also the imagery used. Revise the figures of speech and mark their use in the prescribed poems.
You may be required to analyse, compare or justify various incidents or characters from your own point of view.
Think about such questions and note your thoughts in key points. Revise these points before exam.
Some General Precautions:-
⚫ Time management is important. So divide the allotted time for various types of questions and practise completing them within the time limit.
⚫ Read the question paper very carefully in the given 15 minutes.
⚫Use short and simple sentences to maintain clarity and fluency. Always follow the prescribed word limit.
Practise writing neatly. Good handwriting is always appreciated.
⚫ Good vocabulary, correct spellings and correct grammar help you write good answers. Learn and practise wholeheartedly.
*All The Best*
पहला पेपर हिंदी का होगा कहां से करें तैयारी की मिले पूरे अंक
अगर आप हिंदी में बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना चाहते हैं यानी 100 में 100 नंबर लाने की लालसा रखते हैं। तो आपके लिए खुशखबरी है नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से ज्ञान सिंधु कोचिंग क्लासेज पर आपको फुल सिलेबस क्रैश कोर्स उपलब्ध मिल जाएगा। यूट्यूब चैनल है जहां पर आपको पूरी सुविधा पीडीएफ के साथ साथ मिलती है। पूरे कोर्स क्रैश कोर्स साथ ही साथ रिवीजन क्लासेस और रिवीजन क्लासेस के साथ-साथ मैराथन क्लासेज व् महा मैराथन क्लासेज भी चलाई जाती हैं। यूपी बोर्ड से संबंधित सारी अपडेट सारे निर्देश आपको दिए जाते हैं ताकि आपको परीक्षा में कोई दिक्कत ना हो मॉडल पेपर पीडीएफ नोट्स वगैरा सब उपलब्ध हैं। इसलिए अभी जाकर के तुरंत नीचे दी गई लिंक को से आप अपने क्लास के अनुसार क्रैश कोर्स से पूरी तैयारी करें और शत-प्रतिशत अंक ला सकते हैं।
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