UP Board solution of English Chapter 5 UP Board Class 12th Flamingo Chapter 5 Indigo (Prose) Book in English Medium-Gyansindhuclasses
UP Board solution of English Chapter 5 UP Board Class 12th Flamingo Chapter 5 Indigo (Prose) Book in English Medium-Gyansindhuclasses. Up Board English For Hindi & English medium students. Based On Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik shiksha Parishad New NCERT Syllabus . Board Class 12 English Book Solutions. This Chapter is Written By: Louis Fischer.
Chapter 5 Solution of Indigo
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. What had happened in December 1916 in Lucknow?
Ans.December, 1916 in Lucknow, there was organised the annual convention of the Indian National Congress Party. In that convention, there were 2301 delegates and many visitors.
Q2.Who was Rajkumar Shukla? What was his speciality?
Ans.Rajkumar Shukla was a peasant looking like any other peasant in India, poor and emaciated from Champaran. He was illiterate but resolute, different from other peasants in this mean.
Q3.Why did Rajkumar Shukla want to meet Gandhiji?
Ans.Rajkumar Shukla wanted to meet Gandhiji to complain about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar and somebody had probably told to speak to Gandhiji.
Q4. Why did Gandhiji chide the lawyers?
Ans.Gandhiji chided the lawyers for collecting big fee from the sharecroppers. Muzzafarpur lawyers were charging high fees from the poor sharecroppers who were actually unable to maintain their livelihood.
Q5.What was the chief commercial crop in Champaran? What was the long-term contract between the landlords and the tenants?
Ans.Indigo was the chief commercial crop of Champaran. According to the long-term contract, all the tenants had to plant three twentieths or 15 percent of their holdings with Indigo and surrender the entire Indigo harvest as rent.
Q6.What did Gandhiji do for the overall development of Champaran?
Ans.For the overall development of Champaran, Gandhiji did a lot. He arranged volunteers, doctors, teachers for services. He instructed Mrs. Gandhi to talk to women. Schools, hospitals were opened. Medicines were arranged and many day-to-day problems were solved.
Q7. What was the contribution of Kasturbai (wife of Gandhiji) for the women of Champaran?
Ans. For the women of Champaran, Kasturbai (wife of Gandhiji) talked to women, improved filthy state of their clothes, started to encourage them, educate them and told them about the importance of hygineness.
Q8.Who was Charles Freer Andrews? Why did Gandhiji not take his help for his movement against landlords?
Ans.Charles Freer Andrews was an English pacifist who had become a devoted follower of Gandhiji. Gandhiji didn’t take help of him for the movement against landlords because in that unequal fight, taking his help showed the weaknesses of their heart. He should not be sought as a prop because he was an Englishman.
Long Answer Type Questions
Q1. Who was Rajkumar Shukla? Why did he decide to meet Gandhiji? What did he do to fulfil his desire?
Ans. – Rajkumar Shukla was an ordinary looking peasant like others in India. He was from Champaran, Bihar. But he was resolute and this quality made him different from others. He decided to meet Gandhiji to resolve the problem of sharecropping system made by the landlords. Somebody had probably told him to speak to Gandhi. To fulfil his desire, he went to Congress session where Gandhiji told him that he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go to other parts of India. But Rajkumar Shukla accompanied him everywhere, he followed Gandhiji to his ashram, for weeks he never left Gandhi’s side and begged to fix a date. And then impressed by the sharecropper’s tenacity and story, Gandhiji gave him date to visit Champaran. Thus, after a long time and patience, Rajkumar Shukla fulfilled his desire.
Q2.How did Gandhiji reach Champaran? What did he find there and what did he plan for further proceedings?
Ans.Gandhiji reached Champaran with Rajkumar Shukla. Both of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar. Then, there Shukla led him to the house of a lawyer named Rajendra Prasad and after it, Gandhiji decided to go first to Muzzafarpur, which was en route to Champaran. Gandhiji found there that the condition of the peasants was very miserable and the lawyers were collecting big fee from the sharecroppers. Gandhiji chided the lawyers. There he came to the conclusion that they should stop going to law courts. Taking such cases to the courts does little good. So, Gandhiji planned not to go courts houses and decided to make the peasants free from fear,
Q3.What happened when Gandhiji disobeyed the order of police superintendent? How did the peasants come in his support and what final conclusion came in light in that regard?
Ans.When Gandhiji disobeyed the order of police superintendent, a messenger drove Gandhiji home where he served him with an official notice to quit Champaran immediately. Gandhiji signed a receipt for the notice and wrote on it that he would disobey the order.
In consequence, Gandhiji received a summons to appear in court the next day.
The peasants supported Gandhiji with full majority. Morning found the town of Motihari black with peasants. Their spontaneous demonstration of the peasants, in thousands, around the courthouse was the beginning of their liberation from fear of the British. The officials felt powerless, the government was baffled. The prosecutor requested the judge to postpone the trial but Gandhiji protested against the delay and read a statement pleading guilty.
The magistrate announced that he would pronounce sentence after a two-hour recess and asked Gandhiji to furnish bail for those 120 minutes. Gandhiji refused and finally the judge released him without bail and allowed to remain at liberty.
Q4.How was the civil disobedience won first time in India? Describe the struggle done by Gandhiji and the others?
Ans.After reaching Champaran, Gandhiji started his mission against the injustice done with the sharecroppers. For that mission, continuously, he was working hard in various means as meetings with peasants, lawyers, British officials, landlords, higher authorities as commissioner, magistrate etc. Many times, he was warned, ordered, sent notice to leave that everything but everytime, he refused and became more strong against the injustice. Many a times, supporters were depressed, step back, but everytime, Gandhiji encouraged and motivated them. The struggle was very hard and long. Except Gandhiji, many others like thousands of peasants, many lawyers, local leaders and common mass contributed in the civil disobedience.
And several days later, Gandhiji received a written communication from the magistrate informing him that the Lieutenant Governor of the province had ordered the case to be dropped. And first time in modern India, the civil disobedience had triumphed.
Q5. Other than the ‘Indigo Movement’, What did Gandhiji do for Champaran? Who except Gandhiji contributed in any of the way in Champaran? Describe.
Ans.The best Gandhiji did for Champaran was ‘Indigo Movement’. But when he noticed the worst condition of Champaran in various means as education, health, awareness, growth etc. he started to work moto for all these fields. First he appealed for teachers. Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh, two youngmen who had just joined Gandhiji as disciples, and their wives, volunteered for the work. Several more came from Bombay, Poona and other distant parts of the land. Devdas, Gandhiji’s youngest son, arrived from ashram and so did Mrs. Gandhi. Primary schools were opend in six villages. Kasturbai taught the ashram rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation.
For improving health conditions, Gandhiji got a doctor to volunteer his services for six months. Gandhiji noticed the filthy state of women’s clothes. He asked Kasturbai to talk to them about it. Thus, except Gandhiji, his wife, son, many disciples, volunteers, doctors, teachers and many others contributed in many different ways for Champaran.
Q6.How can we call Gandhiji, the real hero in real life? In the context of the chapter ‘Indigo’, explain.
Ans.In the context of the chapter ‘Indigo’, we came to know that how Gandhiji started the movement taking the pledge to end the injustice of landlords against sharecroppers. One year of Gandhiji’s life was consumed in that movement. Gandhiji not only worked hard for the success of the mission but worked for the betterment of Champaran in many means. Undoubtedly, Gandhiji was the real hero in teled real life. He contributed his whole life for the sake of the nation. For whole life, he remained a worshipper of non-violence and fought the whole freedom fight for India. He sacrificed his whole wealth and life for the nation. He is called the father of the nation. He did many other movements too. His struggle can never be forgotten. So, he is the real hero in real life.
Q7. Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode to be a turning-point in his life?
Ans.Gandhi considered Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life because through the Champaran movement, thousands of peasants got
liberty from the share-cropping system made by the landlords. Gandhji leaded the movement and it consumed about one precious year of his life.
Q8.How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? Give instances.
Ans. Gandhi was able to influence the lawyers by talking and consulting with them. Gandhiji asked them what would they do if he went to jail. What would they do for the injustice to the sharecroppers. Then the lawyers came to the conclusion that it would be shameful desertion if they returned to home. Being a stranger too Gandhi was ready to go jail. This ashamed the lawyers and they became ready to follow Gandhi.
Multiple Choice Questions and their Answers
- There were …… delegates and many visitors in the annual convention of the Indian National Congress party in Lucknow.
(a) 1916 (b) 1920
(c) 1914 (d) 2301(✓)
- Gandhiji told Shukla he had an appointment in ……
(a) Kanpur (b) Cawnpore(✓)
(c) Ahmedabad (d) Calcutta
- Kripalani was waiting at the station with a large body
(a) youths (b) villagers
(c) peasants (d) students(✓)
- Gandhiji chided the lawyers for collecting…… fee from the sharecroppers.
(a) big (✓) (b) unlimited
(c) more (d) unnecessary
- The landlord learned that Germany had developed …… indigo.
(a) artificial (b) new
(c) synthetic(✓) (d) chief
- Gandhiji did not leave, instead he proceeded to the capital of Champaran.
(a) Tirhut (b) Muzaffarpur
(c) Motihari (✓) (d) Cawnpore.
- Morning found the town of Motihari…… with peasants.
(a) collected (b) gathered
(c) filled (d) black(✓)
- The prosecutor requested the judge to postpone the… ..
(a) hearing (b) case
(c) matter (d) trial(✓)
- Gandhiji took a piece of paper and ………divided the into pairs.
(a) advocates (b) groups(✓)
(c) peasants (d) leaders
- In ….., Gandhiji was summoned to Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant-Governor.
(a) July (b) August
(c) June (✓) (d) September
- The representative of the planters offered to refund to the extent of per..cent.
(a) 25 (✓) (b) 50
(c) 75 (d) 100
- As far as the peasants were concerned, the planters had behaved as ……above the law.
(a) owners (b) masters
(c) dictators (d) lords (✓)
- Gandhiji never contented himself with large political or ……..solutions.
(a) socio (b) economic(✓)
(c) financial (d) personal
- Primary schools were opened in…….villages.
(a) three (b) nine
(c) seven (d) six(✓)
- Charles freer Andrews, the English… . …….. became a devoted follower of the Mahatma.
(a) pessimist (b) pacifist(✓)
(c) scientist (d) author
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