Up Board Solution of NCERT English (अंग्रेजी) Chapter 4 Amanda based On UPMSP New Syllabus -gyansindhuclasses

Up Board Solution of NCERT English Chapter 4 Amanda based On UPMSP New Syllabus -gyansindhuclasses- Amanda! (Robin Klein)

Dust of SnowUP Board Solution of Class 10 English Chapter-4  Amanda! (Robin Klein) NCERT English New Syllabus of UPMSP , Question & Answers Full solution of English book (कक्षा 10 अंग्रेजी).

• Class 10th  [Amanda! (Robin Klein)] Highschool Board 
• Subject  English (NCERT)
• Board UP Board (UPMSP)
• Syllabus New NCERT syllabus : A part of up board exam.
• Chapter 3 tow stories about flying 
• Chapter Name Amanda! 
• Writer Robin Klein
• Topic  Passage/stanzas solution Questions and Answers (Long, short, objective MCQ


Central Idea of the Poem

परीक्षा में Poetry भाग की किन्हीं भी दो Poems के नाम दिए जाते हैं, जिनमें से किसी एक Poem का Central Idea लिखना होता है । ( इसके लिए 3 अंक निर्धारित हैं। )

‘Amanda’ is a poem about child psychology. The poem tells us about a little girl, Amanda. She is constantly and continuously being scolded most probably by her mother. But, Amanda is lost in her own world. The frequent interference make her very unhappy. She wants freedom from all restrictions and dreams to lead a life of a mermaid in the emerald sea where she is the only inhabitant. She feels that an orphan has more freedom than her. The little girl does not pay attention to what her mother is saying. The poem then points that parents must give some freedom to growing children. Constant scolding may adversely affect a child’s development.

कविता ‘अमाण्डा’ बाल मनोविज्ञान के विषय में है। यह कविता हमें एक छोटी बच्ची ‘अमाण्डा’ के बारे में बताती है। वह हमेशा एवं निरन्तर रूप से सम्भवतः उसकी माँ से डाँट खाती रहती है। किन्तु, अमाण्डा स्वयं की दुनिया में खोई हुई है । यह बार-बार होने वाली दखलंदाजी उसे बहुत नाखुश कर देती है। वह सभी पाबन्दियों से मुक्ति चाहती है तथा एक जलपरी के समान जीवन जीने का स्वप्न देखती है, जहाँ केवल वह चमकीले हरे समुद्र की निवासी हो। वह यह महसूस करती है कि एक अनाथ बच्चे के पास उस से ज्यादा आजादी है। यह छोटी बच्ची अपनी माँ द्वारा कही गई बातों पर ध्यान नहीं देती है, कविता फिर यह तर्क देती है कि अभिभावकों को बड़े होते बच्चों को निश्चित रूप से थोड़ी आजादी देनी ही चाहिए। लगातार डाँट लगाना सम्भवतः बच्चे के विकास पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव डालता है।

Thinking About the Poem (Q&A)

  1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this? आप क्या सोचते हैं अमाण्डा कितने वर्ष की है? आपने यह किस प्रकार जाना?

Ans. Amanda is a little, middle aged (8-12 years) school going girl.

We know this because of the reference of a mermaid and Rapunzel. Also, the instructions given to her, for doing homework, nail biting, correcting posture, etc are generally given to children of such an age group.

  1. Who do you think is speaking to her? आपके अनुसार उससे कौन बोल रहा है?

Ans. Any one of Amanda’s elder’s or parents is speaking to her. From the instructions given to Amanda, one can say that it is mostbprobably Amanda’s mother or governess.

  1. Why are stanzas 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis? Stanza 2, 4 एवं 6 कोष्ठक में क्यों दिए गए हैं?

Ans. Stanza 2, 4 and 6 are given in parenthesis because they reflect the inner thoughts of Amanda. Amanda is lost in her dream world and is not listening to what her mother is asking/telling her.

  1. Who is the speaker in stanzas 2, 4 and 6? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in stanzas 1, 3, 5 and 7?

Stanza 2, 4 एवं 6 में वक्ता कौन है? क्या यह वक्ता छन्द 1. 3. 5 एवं 7 के वक्ता को सुन रहा है?

Ans. The speaker in stanza 2, 4 and 6 is the child, Amanda. No, Amanda is not listening to the speaker of stanza 1, 3, 5 and 7, as she is lost in the world of her imagination.

  1. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? यदि अमाण्डा जलपरी होती तो वह क्या कर सकती थी?

Ans. If Amanda were a mermaid, she could be the only resident of the beautiful green sea where she would float in the soft waves of the sea. There, she could relax and enjoy her freedom.

  1. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so? क्या अमाण्डा एक अनाथ है? वह ऐसा क्यों कहती है ?

Ans. No, Amanda is not an orphan, though she wishes to be an orphan. She says so because she is upset at being scolded again and again by her mother. Thus, she thinks that if she had been an orphan, she would be free and her life would be peaceful. to

  1. Do you know the story of Rapunzel? Why does she want be Rapunzel?

क्या आप रेप्यूनजेल की कहानी जानते हैं? वह रेप्यूनजेल क्यों बनना चाहती है?

Ans. Rapunzel was a beautiful golden haired princess who lived in a tower. She had very long hair by which she used to allow people to come into her tower.

Amanda believes that Rapunzel’s life in the lonely tower would be very happy. So, she wanted to be Rapunzel and wishes to live in such a tower, away from everyone. She even imagines that in order to live a happy life she would never allow anyone to come into her tower.

  1. What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?

बच्ची किस चीज की इच्छा रखती है? यह कविता आपको अमाण्डा के विषय में क्या बताती है?

Ans. The girl Amanda yearns or desires for freedom and peace in life. According to the poem, Amanda feels that her freedom has been limited by her mother. She is fed up of the constant scolding and instructions by her mother. She wants to go away and live a peaceful life.

  1. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and moody? आखिरी Stanza पढ़िए आपके विचार में क्या अमाण्डा निराश उदासीन है?

Ans. No, Amanda is neither sulking nor she is acting moody. The speaker (her mother) of the last stanza thinks so because Amanda is not paying any attention to her instructions, rather she is lost in her own world.

(stanza Based Questions & Answer)

परीक्षा में पाठ्य पुस्तक से किसी भी Poem का एक अंश (Stanza) दिया जाता है तथा उस पर आधारित 2 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होते हैं। यहाँ पर Stanza के साथ 2 से अधिक Questions दिए गए हैं, जो केवल विद्यार्थियों के सम्पूर्ण अभ्यास के लिए है। परीक्षा में 1-1 अंकों के 2 ही प्रश्न पूछे जाएँगे।

Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follows.

(1) Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!

     Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!   

     Stop that slouching and sit up straight,



Q1. Who is getting all the instructions? सभी निर्देश किससे दिए जा रहे हैं?

(a) Amanda (✓)

(b) Wanda

(c) Peggy

(d) Maddie

Q2. What is Amanda doing to her nails? अमाण्डा अपने नाखूनों के साथ क्या कर रही है ?

(a) Painting

(b) Cutting

(c) Biting (✓)

(d) None of these

Q3. What is the meaning of ‘slouching’ in the extract? ‘Slouching’ का पद्यांश में क्या अर्थ है?

(a) Bend

(b) Sit in a lazy way(✓)

(c) Lie down

(d) Bend back wards

Q4. The purpose of the speaker’s words in the given extract is to वाक्ता के शब्दों का दिए हुए गद्यांश में उद्देश्य है

(a) show the speaker’s power over the listener

(b) make the listener a better human being

(c) advice the listener as an elder

(d) improve the listener’s posture and habits.(✓)

Q5. Name the literary device used in the line ‘stop that slouching and sit up straight’.

‘Stop that slouching and sit up straight पंक्ति में प्रयोग गए लिटररी डिवाइस का नाम लिखिए।

(a) Anaphora

(b) Assonance

(c) Metaphor

(d) Alliteration(✓)

२.(There is a languid, emerald sea,

     where the sole inhabitant is me

     a mermaid, drifting blissfully.)

Q1. Who is the sole inhabitant of the sea? समुद्र का एकमात्र निवासी कौन है?

(a) Wanda

(b) Peggy

(c) Maddie

(d) Amanda(✓)

Q2. What has Amanda become in her imagination? अमाण्डा अपनी कल्पना में क्या बन जाती है ?

(a) Mermaid(✓)

(b) Scientist

(c) School teacher

(d) None of these

Q3. Why is the line in the stanza given within brackets? पद्यांश में एक पंक्ति कोष्ठक में क्यों दी गई है?

(a) To show inner thoughts of mother

(b) Day dreaming by Amanda

(c) To show the contrast

(d) Both (b) and (c)(✓)

Q4. What does Amanda want to do?

अमाण्डा क्या करना चाहती है?

(a) To float blissfully in the sea (✓)

(b) To float blissfully in the pond

(c) To float blissfully in the canals

(d) None of the above

Q5. How is the sea? समुद्र कैसा है?

(a) Emerald green in colour

(b) Peaceful

(c) Only (a)

(d) Both (a) and (b)(✓)

Q6. What could she do if she were a mermaid? यदि वह जलपरी होती, तो वह क्या कर सकती थी?

(a) Be herself

(b) Lead a relaxing life(✓)

(c) Play in the green sea

(d) Learn to swim

3.Did you finish your homework, Amanda?   

   Did you tidy your room, Amanda?

   I thought I told you to clean your shoes,


Q1. What was Amanda supposed to finish?अमाण्डा को क्या खत्म करना था ?

(a) Cooking

(b) Homework(✓)

(c) Milk

(d) None of these

Q2. What was Amanda told to clean? अमाण्डा को क्या साफ करने के लिए कहा गया था?

(a) Her table

(b) Her uniform

(c) Her room(✓)

(d) Her book shelf

Q3. I thought I told you to clean your shoes’. Who is ‘I’ here?

‘I thought I told you to clean your shoes’. यह ‘I’ कौन है?

(a) Amanda

(b) Amanda’s mother

(c) The poet(✓)

(d) Amanda’s father

Q4. To whom is the speaker talking to? वक्ता किससे बात कर रहा है?

(a) Amanda(✓)

(b) Wanda

(c) Peggy

(d) None of these

Q5. Find the word in the extract which means as ‘arrange neatly in order’. पद्यांश में किस शब्द का अर्थ ‘arrange neatly in order ‘ है

(a) Clean

(b) Tidy

(c) Appreciable

(d) None of these(✓)

4.(I am an orphan, roaming the street.

    I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet..

   The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)

Q1. What has Amanda imagined herself to be in this stanza? अमाण्डा ने इस छन्द में स्वयं को क्या बनने की कल्पना की है?

(a) Orphan(✓)

(b) Mermaid

(c) Rapunzel

(d) None of these

Q2. Where does the orphan roam?

अनाथ कहाँ भटकता है?

(a) Village

(b) City

(c) Streets(✓)

(d) None of these

Q3. What does she want to do as an orphan? एक अनाथ के रूप में वह क्या करना चाहती है?

(a) Walk freely in the streets

(b) Play in dust with bare feet

(c) Both (a) and (b)(✓)

(d) None of these

Q4. Name the literary device used in the line ‘freedom is sweet’. ‘Freedom is sweet’ इस पंक्ति प्रयोग किए लिटररी डिवाइस का नाम लिखिए।

(a) Anaphora

(b) Metaphor

(c) Assonance

(d) Alliteration(✓)

Q5. The golden silence is contrasted with the ‘द गोल्डन हल्ल्स’ की तुलना की गई है

(a) chaos of the street

(b) constant instruction received(✓)

(c) sweetness of freedom

(d) hushed, bare feet

5.on’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!

   Remember your acne, Amanda!

   Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to

    you, Amanda!

Q1. What causes acne according to the speaker? वाक्ता के अनुसार मुँहासे किसके कारण हो सकते हैं?

(a) Biting nails

(b) Cleaning the room

(c) Eating chocolates(✓)

(d) Eating pizzas

Q2.Why is Amanda not looking at the speaker? अमाण्डा वाक्ता की ओर क्यों नहीं देख रही है?

(a) Amanda listening to music

(b) Playing

(c) Sleeping

(d) Lost in her own thoughts(✓)

Q3. Which word in the stanza is antonym of ‘forget’? पद्यांश में ‘forget’ शब्द का विलोम कौन-सा शब्द है?

(a) Disregard

(b) Misunderstand

(c) Remember(✓)

(d) Recollect

Q4. What does the stanza inform us about the speaker? पद्यांश हमें वाक्ता के बारे में क्या बताता है ?

(a) Loves giving instructions

(b) Physical beauty is important

(c) Tries to control Amanda

(d) All of the above(✓)

Q5. What does the speaker’s worry about acne show? वाक्ता की मुँहासों के विषय में क्या चिन्ता दर्शाती है?

(a) This shows importance is given to physical beauty (✓)

(b) This shows her concern toward Amanda

(c) This shows Amanda’s carelessness

(d) Both (a) and (b)

6.(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;

    life in a tower is tranquil and rare;

    I’ll certainly never let down my bright  


Q1. Who was Rapunzel?

       रेप्युनजल कौन थी ?

(a) A fairy(✓)

(b) A nun

(c) A queen

(d) A princess

Q2. What is Amanda doing?

       अमाण्डा क्या कर रही है?

(a) Imagining herself as Rapunzel (✓)

(b) Dressed herself as Rapunzel

(c) Reading book on Rapuzel

(d) None of the above

Q3. What do the words ‘tranquil’ and ‘rare’ signify? ‘Traquil’ और ‘rare’ शब्द क्या प्रकट करते हैं?

(a) Pleasant surrounding

(b) Freedom and peace

(c) Music and excitement

(d) Peace and no nagging(✓)

Q4. Why these lines are bracketed? यह पंक्तियाँ कोष्ठक में क्यों हैं?

(a) To show they are important

(b) To show mother’s words

(c) To show Amanda’s imagination(✓)

(d) To show poet’s words

Q5. Which word will be synonym of the word ‘surely’ as per the extract?

पद्यांश के अनुसार, कौन-सा शब्द ‘surely’ शब्द का समानार्थी शब्द होगा ?

(a) Indefinitely

(b) Clearly

(c) Doubtfully

(d) Certainly(✓)

Short Answer Type Questions

परीक्षा में Poetry के पाठों से 1 Short Answer Type Question पूछा जाएगा। इसके लिए 3 अंक निर्धारित है।

Q1. Justify the title of the poem ‘Amanda’. कविता के शीर्षक ‘Amanda’ को उचित सिद्ध कीजिए

Ans. The title of the poem ‘Amanda’ is very appropriate. The poem is about a little girl, Amanda who is constantly scolded by her mother. Throughout the poem, the focus is on Amanda and her world of imagination. In this world, she lives a free and peaceful life without any interruptions.

Q2. Why does Amanda wish to be a mermaid, an orphan, or Rapunzel? अमाण्डा जलपरी या एक अनाथ और रेप्यूनजल बनने की कामना क्यों करती है?

Ans. Amanda wishes to be a mermaid, an orphan and Rapunzel to live a life of freedom. She is constantly scolded by her mother. So, she escapes into her own world of imagination wherein she lives a peaceful life, all alone. As a mermaid she would be the sole resident of a beautiful sea and as an orphan, she would enjoy freedom. Finally, as Rapunzel she would live a carefree life.

Q3. Why does Amanda seem moody most of the time? अमाण्डा अधिक समय उदासीन क्यों लगती है?

Ans. Amanda seems moody most of the time because she is so involved in her world of imagination that she does not pay attention to her mother. Amanda often escapes from reality into her world of fantasy to get away from the continuous scoldings. Her day dreaming makes her look moody and uninterested.

Q4. Do you think it is Amanda’s fault in the poem? Justify your answer. आपको लगता है कि कविता में अमाण्डा की गलती है? अपने उत्तर को उचित सिद्ध कीजिए ।

Ans. No, Amanda is not at fault. In the poem, Amanda is constantly instructed and scolded by her mother. Her mother restricts her freedom. Amanda desires the peace and freedom which is not granted to her. So, she escapes into her own world where she enjoys the calmness.

Q5. Does Amanda’s mother have a nagging behaviour. Justify your answer. क्या अमाण्डा की माता का व्यवहार अवगुण दुढ़ने वाला है? अपने उत्तर को तर्कसंगत सिद्ध कीजिए ।

Ans. Amanda’s mother has a nagging behaviour. She is always instructing Amanda and finding faults within her. Her mother constantly tell her the do’s and don’ts. Such a nagging behaviour affects

Amanda who feels that her freedom is restricted. Amanda’s mothers responsibility to instill (develop) good manners in the child makes Amanda retreat (escape) into her imagination where she seeks peace

and freedom.

Q6. Would you call Amanda a disrespectful child? Provide one reason to justify your opinion. क्या आप अमाण्डा को असभ्य बच्चा बुलाएगें। अपने विचार को उचित सिद्ध करने के लिए एक कारण दिजिए।

Ans. Yes, we can call Amanda a disrespectful child because she does not respond to her parent’s repeated instructions. She is lost in her imagination and does not even look towards her mother when she is yelling at her.


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