Up Board Latest Model Paper 2023- Class 10th English New Model Paper 2023 Based on New Education Policy – अब ऐसा ही अंग्रेजी का पेपर आयेगा 2023 में 20 OMR वाले प्रश्न होंगे|
राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति-2020 पर आधारित, MODEL PAPER-2022-23, प्रतिदर्श प्रश्न-पत्र 2023, Question Paper 2023, 10th अंग्रेजी Model Paper 2023, English PDF. 10th Model Paper 2023, 10th Question Paper 2023, 10th Important Question Paper 2023, English Class 10th highschool English model question paper for examination 2023. UPMSP board exam 2023 model paper.
UP Board Exam 2023
Based On 30% Reduced UPMSP New NCERT Pattern
UP Board Model Paper 2023
English (Class 10th )
Time: 3 hr. 15 mins.] [M.M.: 70]
General Instructions:
- The first 15 minutes are allotted only for reading the question paper.
- This question paper is divided into two sections.
- Section ‘A’ contains multiple choice questions. Candidates have to choose the correct option and write the answer in the answer script.
- Section ‘B’ contains descriptive answer type questions.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Marks are indicated against questions.
(Multiple Choice Questions)
(Q.1-3) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow, choosing the correct option:
Children are the future of any nation. They should be given proper education and food so that they would become an asset to their country. But it is unfortunate that children are being used as child labourers. If the government had really wanted, child labour in hazardous industries could have been eliminated a long time ago; and every Indian child would have been in school by 2003. The government has not only failed to eliminate child labour completely but also failed to provide compulsory primary education for all, despite the rhetoric. Between 60 and 100 million children are still at work instead of going to school and around 10 million are working in hazardous industries.
We have many laws that ban the child labour in hazardous industries. According to the Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986, the employment of children (below the age of 14) in hazardous occupations has been banned strictly. But each state has different rules regarding the minimum age of employment; this makes implementation of these laws difficult.
Also, there is no ban on child labour in non-hazardous occupations. The Act applies to the organised or factory sector and not to the unorganised or informal sector where most children find employment as cleaners, servants, porters, waiters, among other forms of unskilled work. Thus, child labour still persists because of the laxity in the implementation of the existing laws.
There are industries which have a ‘special’ demand for child labour because of their nimble fingers, high level of concentration and capacity to work hard at abysmally low wages. The carpet industry in Kashmir employs children to make hand-knitted carpets; there are 80,000 child workers alone in Jammu and Kashmir. Because of the political unrest, the schools have been shut down and the Kashmiri children are forced to work for the carpet manufacturers to support their families.
- In which occupation still, there is no ban on child labour?
(a) Hazardous occupations
(b) Non-hazardous occupations
(c) Carpet industry
(d) None of these
- Name the industry that has a special demand for child labour:
(a) Paper industry
(b) Silk industry
(c) Carpet industry
(d) Hazardous industry
- Which word in Para 3 means the same as ‘negligence’?
(a) Ban
(b) Unorganised
(c) Laxity
(d) Persists
(Q.4-8) Choose the correct option to answer the following:
- She has been……..hard since last night.
(a) work
(b) worked
(c) working
(d) to work
- Ram went to a shop.
(Change into Future Indefinite)
(a) Ram will go to a shop.
(b) Ram will be going to a shop.
(c) Ram goes to a shop.
(d) Ram has gone to a shop.
- Name the parts of speech the underlined word in the given sentence.
He will write a sentence daily.
(a) Noun
(b) Pronoun
(c) Verb
(d) Adjective
- Frame a correct sentence by reordering the words:
me give eat to something please
(a) Pleace me give something to eat.
(b) Give something me to eat please.
(c) Please give me something to eat.
(d) Give please something to me eat.
- Which word is correctly spelled?
(a) believe (b) beleive
(c) decieve (d) recieve
(Q.9-10) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence-but the became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.
Immediately, Lencho went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write, with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist.
- Why did Lencho not show any surprise when he found the money in the letter?
(a) faith in God
(b) faith in postman
(c) faith in post office staff
(d) None of these.
- What made Lencho angry?
(a) Finding less money
(b) Finding the envelope torn
(c) Thinking that the post office staff would have stolen the money.
(d) None of these.
(Q.11-13) Based on your understanding of the Prose lessons choose the correct option to answer the following questions:
- Which party did Mandela join?
(a) African Democratic Party
(b) African National Congress
(c) African National Party
(d) African Farmers Party
- At what age did Gautam Buddha left his palace?
(a) 25 years (b) 12 years
(c) 32 years (d) 37 years
- The Diary of a Young Girl’ is written in literary genre called… ..,..
(a) Journal (b) Memoir
(c) Autobiography (d) Diary
Q.14-15) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
The way a crow
Down on me
Dust of snow
A hemlock tree.
- Who was sitting in the tree?
(a) Cuckoo (b) Crow
(c) Raven (d) Sparrow
- Where was the poet standing?
(a) Under a Hemlock tree
(b) Under a mango tree
(c) Under a neem tree
(d) Under a peepal tree.
(Q.16-20) Based on your understanding of the lesson in the book ‘Moments’ choose the correct option to answer the following questions:
- The name of Mrs Pumphrey’s dog is:
(a) Tommy (b) Raj
(c) Joe (d) Tricki.
- The narrator of the story “The Thief’s Story’ is:
(a) Anil (b) an old man
(c) the shopkeeper (d) Hari Singh
18.Griffin was a brilliant scientist but was a:
(a) lawless person
(b) law abiding person
(c) good artist
(d) non-sense fellow
19………species of butterflies were collected by Ebright by the time he was in the second grade.
(a) Twenty (b) Twenty-five
(c) Ninety (d). Numerous
- Monsieur Loisel is a clerk in the office of:
(a) the Board of Education
(b) higher education minister
(c) Tourism Department
(d) faculty of management
(Descriptive Questions)
- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Pollution happens when unwanted gases and other materials escape into the environment. It causes waste, financial losses and damage to human, animal and plant health. Huge growth in industry and in the world’s population in the last 100 years have led to more and more industrial process and pollution. Deliberate dumping and accidents such as oil spillages have seriously affected the earth’s air, land and water.
Some gases and particles in the air may be dangerous to health if breathed in. Most air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and gases) and solid waste or from gases released into the air by different processes. One of the worst is carbon monoxide from vehicle exhausts. It is poisonous to humans because it prevents the absorption of oxygen. Another is nitrogen oxide, which reacts with sunlight to produce dense smog. Tobacco smoke also damages health-even breathing in other people’s smoke is harmful.
Increasing quantities of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, chemicals, sewage and oil spills are polluting lakes, rivers and oceans. Water in some places is
unsafe to drink or even bathe in, as a result, and animals are harmed and killed.
(a) What are the main factors responsible for pollution?
(b) Which elements do pollute rivers and oceans?
(c) Find out the word from the passage which means ‘difficult to see through’..
(d) Give the noun form of ‘different’.
- Write a letter to your friend, inviting to attend your birthday party.
Or Write an application to the Principal requesting him to grant your full fee-concession.
- Recently a cultural programme was arranged in your school with the help of the local artists of the city for raising funds to help an association for handicapped children of your city. Write a report on it.
Or Write an essay (article) on the following topic in about 80-100 words:
A Historical Building
. Introduction
- Who built it and why?
- Its place and situation
. Its charms.
- Its historical importance
- (a) Rewrite the following by changing into indirect speech:
He said to me, “Will you help me today.”
(b) Change the following into passive voice..
He gave me a book yesterday.
(c) Punctuate the following:
it may rain this evening said the mother to her son Anil.
(d) Translate the following into English:
बोधगया बिहार प्रदेश में एक प्रसिद्ध तीर्थस्थान है। वहाँ एक बड़ा मन्दि है। इस मन्दिर में गौतम बुद्ध की एक बड़ी मूर्ति है । मन्दिर के पास एक पीपल का वृक्ष है जिसे पवित्र मानते हैं।
- Answer the following questions in about 25 words each:
(a) How did Lencho feel when it began to rain?
or What according to Mandela is true freedom?
(b) What does Anne write in her first essay?
or What do you know about the early life of Buddha?
- Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words:
(a) Give a brief account of the people of Coorg.
(b) Draw a character-sketch of Valli.
- What happened when the dust of snow fell on the poet? (in about 30-40 words).
Or Write four lines of the poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper).
- Write the Central Idea of one of the following poems:
(a) Dust of Snow
(b) Fog
- Answer any one of the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
(a) Why was Anil chosen by Hari Singh as his new victim?
(b) Why was Mrs Pumphrey’s worried about Tricki?
- Answer any one of the following questions in about 60 words each:
(a) Who was Griffin? How did he take revenge on his landlord?
(b) Why was the cause of Matilda ruin? How could she have avoided it?