UP Board Solution Of English (अंग्रेजी) Chapter 6 Animals (Walt Whitman)- based of upmsp new syllabus

UP Board Solution Of English (अंग्रेजी) Chapter 6 Animals (Walt Whitman) poem- based of upmsp new syllabus.

English 10th UP Board Solution of Class 10 English Chapter- 6 Animals (walt whitman) new syllabus of UPMSP. NCERT English New Syllabus of UPMSP , Question & Answers Full solution of English book (कक्षा 10 अंग्रेजी).

• Class10th  [Animals  ] Highschool Board 
• Subject English (NCERT)
• BoardUP Board (UPMSP)
• SyllabusNew NCERT syllabus : A part of up board exam.
• Chapter6 poem  Animals 
• Chapter NameAnimals 
• Writerwalt whitman
• Topic Passage/stanzas solution Questions and Answers (Long, short, objective MCQ


Central Idea of the Poem

परीक्षा में Poetry भाग की किन्हीं भी दो Poems के नाम दिए जाते हैं, जिनमें से किसी एक Poem का Central Idea लिखना होता है। इसके लिए 3 अंक निर्धारित हैं।

In this poem. Walt Whitman has beautifully brought out the contrast between animals and human beings. According to the poet, animals are better than human beings and have all the qualities that humans lack or have forgotten. The poem ‘Animals’ shows the poet’s love for animals and his desire to live as an animal because he thinks that they are serene and self-contented. The theme of the poem is not to say how good animals are but to compare humans with them in order to highlight the flaws of human nature. The poet believes that probably a very long time ago, humans possessed all these qualities but they have lost them now.

इस कविता में, वॉल्ट व्हिटमैन ने बुहत सुन्दरता से जानवरों एवं मनुष्यों के मध्य का अन्तर प्रकट किया है। कवि के अनुसार, जानवर मनुष्यों से श्रेष्ठ हैं और उनमें वे सारे गुण हैं, जिनकी मनुष्यों में कमी है अथवा जिन्हें मनुष्य भुला चुके हैं। कविता ‘Animal’ पशुओं के प्रति कवि का प्रेम एवं उन्हीं की भाँति रहने की कवि की इच्छा दर्शाती है, क्योंकि उनका यह विचार है कि जानवर शान्त एवं आत्म-सन्तोषी होते हैं। कविता का विषय यह बताना नहीं है कि जानवर कितने बेहतर हैं, परन्तु मानव स्वभाव की कमियाँ उजागर करने हेतु जानवरों की मनुष्यों से तुलना करना है । कवि का यह विश्वास है कि बहुत लम्बे समय पहले, मनुष्यों में भी ये सभी गुण थे, किन्तु वे अब इन्हें खो चुके हैं।

Thinking About the Poem (Q&A)

  1. Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line, “I think I could turn and live with animals…”. What is the poet turning from?

‘टर्न’ शब्द का पहली पंक्ति में उपयोग देखिए, “मैं सोचता हूँ कि मैं नई दिशा ले सकता हूँ और जानवरों के साथ रह सकता हूँ” कवि कहाँ से मुड़ रहा है?

Ans. In this line, the poet wants to turn from a human into an animal. This turning represents the poet’s desire to get away from the depressing. selfish and false world of humans and stay with animals.

  1. Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t. ऐसी तीन चीजों का उल्लेख कीजिए, जो मनुष्य करते है एवं जानवर नहीं ।

Ans. Three things that humans do and animals don’t are as follows

Humans complain and cry about the miseries they face but animals do not do that.

Humans lie awake at night thinking about their wrong doings but animals do not do that.

Humans talk about their religiousness and duty towards God but animals do not do that.

  1. Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Discuss this in groups. क्या मनुष्य अन्य मनुष्यों जो हज़ारों वर्ष पहले जीवित थे. के सामने झुकते हैं? समूह में चर्चा कीजिए

Ans. Yes. humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago as it is a cultural tradition to respect elder persons. These persons could be their ancestors, saints or preachers whom they follow religiously.

(Students can discuss their own culture with their classmates and share the rituals and traditions of their culture and also get to know about other cultural practices).

  1. What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago and which the animals have kept for him? Discuss this in class. (Hint: Whitman belongs to

the Romantic tradition that includes Rousseau and Wordsworth, which holds that civilisation has made humans false to their own true nature. What could be the basic aspects of our nature as living beings that humans choose to ignore or deny?) वे ‘टोकन’ क्या है, जिन्हें कवि कहता है कि उसने सम्भवतः काफी लम्बे समय पहले गिरा दिया था एवं जो जानवरों ने उसके लिए रखे हैं? कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए। (संकेत व्हिटमैन साहित्य की रोमांटिक परम्परा से थे, जिसमें रूसों एवं वर्डस्वर्थ भी सम्मिलित हैं। जो यह मानते हैं कि सभ्यता ने मनुष्य को स्वयं के स्वभाव के प्रति झूठा बना दिया है। जीवित प्राणियों के रूप में हमारे स्वभाव के कौन-से मूल पहलू हैं, जिन्हें मनुष्य नकारते अथवा नजरअन्दाज करते हैं? )

Ans. The tokens mentioned in the poem refer to the virtues and values possessed by animals. These virtues represent the true nature of human beings which humans have lost now. These are tokens of values such as kindness, innocence,

self-containment, satisfaction, sharing, etc. The poet, Walt Whitman belongs to the Romantic tradition of literature. He along with various other poets/authors believed

that the virtues mentioned above represent the true nature of man and how man should be. However, with civilisation and development man has denied or ignored them. Humans now have become full of false values such as selfishness, greed, possessiveness, etc. They have forgotten

their true characteristics that animals have still retained.

Stanza Based Questions answer

परीक्षा में पाठ्य पुस्तक से किसी भी Poem का एक अंश (Stanza) दिया जाता है तथा उस पर आधारित 2 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने होते हैं। यहाँ पर Stanza के साथ 2 से अधिक Questions दिए गए है, जो केवल विद्यार्थियों के सम्पूर्ण अभ्यास के लिए है। परीक्षा में 1-1 अंकों के 2 ही प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे।

Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follows.

  1. 1. I think I could turn and live with

    animals, they are so placid and   


    I stand and look at them long and long.

Q1. What does the poet want to turn into? कवि किस में परिवर्तित होना चाहता है?

   (a) Child

   (b) Animals (✓)

   (c) Statue

   (d) Birds

Q2. What are the two qualities of animals?पशुओं की दो विशेषताएँ क्या है?

   (a) Placid and self-contained (✓)

   (b) Playfulness and gentle

   (c) Faithfulness

   (d) None of these

Q3. The literary device used in the line ‘I think I could turn and live with animals’ is ‘I think I could turn and live with animals’ में प्रयोग किए गए लिटररी डिवाइस लिखिए।

   (a) Simile

   (b) Assonance(✓)

   (c) Metaphor

   (d) Alliteration

Q4. Whom does the poet want to live with? कवि किसके साथ रहना चाहता है?

   (a) Friends

   (b) Birds

   (c) Animals(✓)

   (d) None of these

Q5. Which word in the stanza will be antonym ‘agitated’ of ‘agitated”?

पद्यांश में कौन-सा शब्द ‘agitated का विलोम है

   (a) Serene

   (b) Gentle

   (c) Self-contained

   (d) Placid(✓)

(2) They do not sweat and whine about their condition,

    They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,

    They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.

Q1. What do humans weep for?

मनुष्य किसके लिए विलाप करते हैं?

   (a) For lie

   (b) For not complete work

   (c) For their sins(✓)

   (d) None of these

Q2. Why do humans lie awake in the dark? मनुष्य रात को क्यों जागते हैं?

   (a) Do not fell sleepy

   (b) Feel guilty

   (c) Worried

   (d) Cry for their sins(✓)

Q3.Who are ‘they’ referred to here? यहाँ ‘वे’ किसको निर्दिष्ट किया गया है?

   (a) Animals(✓)

   (b) Human

   (c) Small children

   (d) Birds

Q4. Who feels sick discussing about duties towards God? ईश्वर के प्रति कर्त्तव्यों की चर्चा करते हुए कौन हताश महसूस करता है?

   (a) Amanda

   (b) Humans

   (c) The poet (✓)

   (d) None of thesce

  1. Why does the poet feel sick?

कवि निराश महसूस क्यों करता है?

   (a) Human’s running after money

   (b) Always complaining

   (c) Always criticising others

   (d) Sermonising themselves.(✓)

3.Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with

the mania of owning things, Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that

lived thousands of years ago, Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole


Q1. The repetition of ‘not one’ in the given extract signifies the poets पद्यांश में ‘not one’ की पुनरावृत्ति यह प्रकट करती है कि कवि

  (a) effort to create a sense of continuity

  (b) attempt at musicality and rhythm

   (c) sense of disappointment and frustration(✓)

   (d) feelings of anger and vengeance

Q2. Why are the animals not dissatisfied? पशु असन्तुष्ट क्यों नहीं है?

   (a) They do not think like humans

   (b) Because they do not have greed to own things(✓)

   (c) They are satisfied

   (d) All of the above

Q3. Why do animals not kneel to one another? जानवर एक-दूसरे के सामने झुकते क्यों नहीं है?

   (a) They respect each other

   (b) Because eveyone is equal for them(✓)

   (c) Because they are jealous

   (d) Because they do not respect each other

Q4. Why do humans kneel to those who lived a thousand years ago? मनुष्य उनके सामने क्यों झुकते हैं, जो हज़ारों वर्षों पहले जीवित थे?

    (a) To show disrespect towards them

    (b) To show respect towards them(✓)

    (c) To shows content

    (d) They respect them as a God

Q5. What does ‘kneel’ symbolise here?

‘Kneel’ (झुकना) शब्द यहाँ किसका प्रतीक है?

    (a) Possessing

    (b) Not satisfied

    (c) Praying(✓)

    (d) Demented

(4) So they show their relations to me and

     I accept them,

    They bring me tokens of myself, they evince

    them plainly in their possession

    I wonder where they get those tokens,

    Did I pass that way huge times ago and

 negligently drop them?

Q1. Who bring tokens to the poet?

कवि तक टोकन कौन लाता है?

    (a) Animals (✓)

    (b) Small children

    (c) Human beings

    (d) Birds

Q2. What are these ‘tokens of myself”?

‘स्वयं के टोकन’ क्या हैं?

    (a) These inhuman behaviour

    (b) True values such as kindness and innocence

    (c) True values and virtues of human nature

    (d) Both (b) and ©(✓)

Q3. What does the poet wonder?

कवि क्या सोचता है?

   (a) Animals have human virtues (✓)

   (b) Animals are innocent

   (c) Why humans are not better than animals

   (d) Animals acquires virtue themselves

Q4. ‘So, they show, their relations to me’. In the given line to whom does ‘they’ refer to? “So, they show their relations to me’ दी गई पंक्ति में ‘they’ का प्रयोग किसके लिए किया गया है?

   (a) Humans

   (b) Animals

   (c) Ancestors(✓)

   (d) None of these

Q5. Find a word in the extract which means as ‘to show a particular feeling”?

पद्यांश में शब्द खोजिए, जिसका to show a particular feeling’ अर्थ है।

    (a) Wonder

    (b) Tokens

    (c) Evince(✓)

    (d) None of these

Short Answer Type Questions

परीक्षा में Poetry के पाठों से 1 Short Answer Type Question पूछा जाएगा। इसके लिए 3 अंक निर्धारित है।

Q1. Why does the poet like animals and why he himself wants to turn into an animal? कवि को पशु क्यों पसन्द है और वह स्वयं को पशु के रूप में क्यों परिवर्तित करना चाहता है?

Ans. The poet likes/prefers animals for their calm and self-controlled nature. He is impressed with animals because unlike human beings. they don’t desire to own things and are satisfied with their lives.

The poet wants himself to turn into an animal and live with animals as they have retained the basic good values lost by humans.

Q 2. Explain the satisfaction that animals have and humans don’t.उस सन्तुष्टि का वर्णन कीजिए, जो पशुओं में हैं और मनुष्यों में नहीं।

Ans. Animals do not have the desire to possess worldly things and thus, are satisfied with what they have. They live happily in their natural surroundings. However, humans desire to own as many things as possible and thus, are dissatisfied forever.

Q3. Why do humans keep awake in the dark and weep for their sins while animals never do such things? मनुष्य रात में क्यों जागते हैं और अपने अपराधों के लिए रोते हैं जबकि पशु ऐसा कुछ नहीं करते?

Ans. In the poem, the poet states that animals are simple and innocent creatures who commit no sins. Therefore, they do not have to worry about forgiveness from God. However, humans commit sins of greed, possession etc. As a result, they can’t sleep peacefully all night and pray to God for forgiveness.

Q4. What message does the poet Walt Whitman want to give through this poem?

कविता के माध्यम से कवि वाल्ट व्हिटमैन क्या संदेश देना चाहते हैं?

Ans.Through the poem, ‘Animals’, the poet Walt Whitman wants to convey the message of superiority of animals over humans. In the poem, the poet states that with advancement, humans have forgotten all the nobel virtues. They have degraded themselves while animals still retain those noble virtues. So. they appear to be noble as compared to humans.



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